ombrelle, n.
A parasol, a sunshade.

Gathered in the ombre of the eclipse,
In an umbroglia imbroiled were we.
While 'twixt rock and star the pebble slips,  
Is the ombrelle a necessity? 


Mountainebony said...

Another ten miles this way or that
Would have had a different story to tell.
Had the moon been farther, eclipse: too bright;
Too close, a pointless too-big ombrelle.

Marlin Jar said...

Lovely :-)

This got me curious. Using information from this article -- -- I calculate that the moon would've moved ten miles away from us in roughly 1100 years. If ombrelles and your words survive to that day, they will find that the sizes of the first will have to be raised by 0.00001% ;-)